Does the Acupuncture hurt?
AWith hair-thin needles, patients experience a brief ache or heaviness in the area being needled. Some points are more sensitive than others. By and large patients describe the sensations as fleeting and the treatment experience as deeply relaxing.
Why should I see an acupuncturist?
AMany patients begin acupuncture treatment to find relief from a wide range of physical conditions. Many who are not experiencing ailments also seek treatment to maximize their wellness and maintain balance. The greatest reason to begin acupuncture treatment is to cultivate vitality and radiant health and to stimulate the tremendous healing power of the body, mind and spirit.
Are those needles safe?
ASterile disposable needles are used. They are used once and then disposed of immediately.
Do I have to be illed to benefit from Acupuncture?
AAbsolutely not. Many patients come for regular treatments to achieve increased effectiveness and enjoyment in life. Acupuncture can also be a powerful preventative measure to keep patients healthy throughout the year.