

“Is to improve health and well-being by providing the best care and individual focused treatment for every patient”

exterior lake forest acupuncture

– About Acupuncture

The oriental medicine considers the human body as a separate universe according to the Yin-Yang theory. The human body maintains balance with flow of life-giving energy. This energy, called “Qi”, flows organs to the superficial body tissues and joints, through channels called meridians. If the flow of Qi is abnormal for any reason, the imbalance begins to surface in the form of symptoms. The Acupuncture treats those symptoms by harmonizing the balance with gentle insertion of needles on specific meridians and acupuncture points.

Recently, the Acupuncture is very commonly used for pain stress relief such as musculoskeletal problems, including low back pain, shoulder stiffness and knee pain as well as depression, insomina and other emotional problems.